Weekly Wrap Up

Ok so maybe “weekly wrap up” isn’t the most inventive name but I’m going to start a weekly(ish 😉) blog series to share things that have come across my radar during the week. It will be a quick and easy read with hopefully interesting and fun tidbits! Let’s go!

cover photo: Vintage Supply Co

  1. I found some new-to-me sources via IG last week and one of them is Vintage Supply which has really pretty art prints for really great prices.

  2. Although I haven’t been as vocal on here lately about anti-racism, I’ve still been doing work behind the scenes. I found this resource, and while it’s long, it has a ton of information for people of all colors plus topics for families and workplace settings.

  3. Just about every time I wear these shorts, someone asks me where they’re from. So here ya go!

  4. What do we think about dermaplaning? Anyone ever done it? I tried it and I’m on the fence but maybe it just takes some getting used to.

  5. This face wash has become a staple in my nightly skincare routine. My aesthetician is a big fan as well (although I will proudly say I was using it before I met her!) and says it’s great because you don’t need to tone after using it.